Angel Flight Europe is funded by private donation.
We rely entirely on donations from individuals, clubs and service clubs, large and small companies, and bequests.
We have a policy that we never follow up donors asking for more support.
We do not employ fund raising companies or pay for any advertising.
We rely heavily on our volunteers to coordinate fundraising activity.
What does my donation pay for?
100% of money donated to Angel Flight Europe goes directly into our operating costs.
Donations are used to pay for:
discounted commercial flights when poor weather prevents light aircraft from flying.
All donations are gratefully accepted.
Angel Flight Europe is a not-for-profit charity that needs the help of individuals and companies to undertake its charter of helping people in need.
All donations of € 5 or more are fully tax deductible.
How can I donate?
Online with paypal
Make a donation using Visa, Mastercard, or direct deposit. -
By phone
Visa or Mastercard only. Please contact and quote your credit card number. -
By mail
For money orders, cheques, or Visa and Mastercard payments, please download a donation form. *